WSCLB Announces Interim Policy for Marijuana License Holders to Seek Title Certificates

Written by Neil Juneja, Founder & Managing Partner at Gleam Law PLLC. 

This interim policy will ease requirements for retail cannabis licensees in jurisdictions where ordinances prohibit cannabis sales

Since the legalization of cannabis by the passage of Initiatives 502 in 2012, some local jurisdictions have passed moratoria, bands, restrictive zoning laws, reduced allocations, and placed other prohibitions on the retail sale of cannabis. In some areas, these ordinances have prevented cannabis retail licensees from opening. Washington state law requires all cannabis licensees to have a qualifying location, security requirements, report sales, and maintain insurance.

Local authorities prohibit these stores from opening. State law requires the stores to follow all license requirements, whether they are able to open or not. To reduce the costs of maintaining license requirements, the Board will allow retail cannabis licensees who are legally prohibited from opening anywhere within their allotted jurisdiction to apply for a Title Certificate. Title Certificate holders will not be required to maintain all license requirements but must meet the conditions specified in this Interim Policy. The Board will open rulemaking in conjunction with this Interim Policy, to establish permanent rules for Title Certificates.

For the full Interim Policy, please see the PDF below.

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